LDAP configuration help - dedicated user


short question about the LDAP Authentication module which i cannot get working.
I think its in cause that we have a dedicated user with permissions to query the Active Directory.

Are the configuration parameters


the correct places to specify this user?

Best regards


yes u can find the documentation here: https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LDAP/Authenticator/

Best regards

Thank you for claryfing this.

I think i know where my problem is.
In syslog i can see that the LDAP query is cn=Prename Lastname and he can’t find the user. In our AD the cn of the user is Lastname, Prename.

According to the documentation i thought that the parameter
would solve this but it doesn’t.

Our sAMAccoutName in AD is “Prename Lastname”.

Any ideas?

Edit: Trial and error worked. The correct configuration for my problem is
