Hit the URL and login with company email and system password is not working
Logs from tomcat:
[2023-09-22 16:39:29] [info] 2023-09-22 16:39:29,442 [http-nio-443-exec-10 - URL/xwiki/bin/logi n/XWiki/XWikiLogin?xredirect=%2Fxwiki%2Fbin%2Fview%2FXWiki%2F%2524escapetool.xml%2528%2524ssxHref%2529] DEBUG x.c.l.XWikiLDAPAu thServiceImpl - The provided user is null. We don’t try to authenticate, it probably means the user is in non logged mode.
22581 [2023-09-22 16:39:29] [info] 2023-09-22 16:39:29,443 [http-nio-443-exec-10 - URL/xwiki/bin/logi n/XWiki/XWikiLogin?xredirect=%2Fxwiki%2Fbin%2Fview%2FXWiki%2F%2524escapetool.xml%2528%2524ssxHref%2529] DEBUG x.c.l.XWikiLDAPAu thServiceImpl - XWikiUser: null
Nop, you are not using the generic LDAP authenticator here. You might want to check again the documentation you linked for the class you are supposed to use.
Those are not errors, it’s just telling you it does not have any credential to authenticate. Have you actually tried to login ?
But as indicated in the documentation, the best is to enable debug log (which you seem to have done) and login to see step by step what works and what does not during the authentication.