LDAP Login Problems

Good morning everyone,

in our company we us Active Directory and i want to set the LDAP login to combine AD with our wiki.
After some try and errors i get the import of users. I read many posts with this topic but our login didnt work. I only get the error message “Ungültige Anmeldedaten” (invalid login).

Can u please help me?

I set the configuration like this:

#-# ---------------------------------------
#-# LDAP

#-# LDAP authentication service

#-# Enable local accounts in addition to LDAP.
#-# Without this setting you will be unable to log into XWiki with local accounts.
#-# - 0: disable
#-# - 1: enable
#-# The default is 0

#-# Turn LDAP authentication on - otherwise only XWiki authentication
#-# - 0: disable
#-# - 1: enable
#-# The default is 0

#-# LDAP Server (Active Directory, eDirectory, OpenLDAP, etc.)
#-# The default host is localhost
#-# The default port is 389 (636 if xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl is enabled)
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.port=636

#-# LDAP credentials, empty = anonymous access, otherwise specify full dn
#-# {0} is replaced with the user name, {1} with the password

#-# The Base DN used in LDAP searches

#-# LDAP query to search the user in the LDAP database (in case a static admin user is provided in
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_DN)
#-# {0} is replaced with the user uid field name and {1} with the user name
#-# The default is ({0}={1})
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.user_search_fmt=({0}={1})

#-# Only members of the following group can authenticate.
#-# The following kind of groups are supported:
#-# * LDAP static groups (users/subgroups are listed statically in the group object)
#-# * [Since 3.3M1] LDAP organization units (users/subgroups are sub object of the provided organization unit)
#-# * [Since 3.3M1] LDAP filter (users/groups are object found in a search with the provided filter)

#-# [Since 1.5RC1]
#-# Only users not member of the following group can authenticate.
#-# The following kind of groups are supported:
#-# * LDAP static groups (users/subgroups are listed statically in the group object)
#-# * [Since 3.3M1] LDAP organization units (users/subgroups are sub object of the provided organization unit)
#-# * [Since 3.3M1] LDAP filter (users/groups are object found in a search with the provided filter)
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.exclude_group=cn=admin,ou=groups,o=MegaNova,c=US

#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the identifier to be used as the XWiki name
#-# The default is cn

#-# [Since 1.5M1]
#-# The potential LDAP groups classes. Separated by commas.
#-# The default is group,groupOfNames,groupOfUniqueNames,dynamicGroup,dynamicGroupAux,groupWiseDistributionList,posixGroup,apple-group
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_classes=group,groupOfNames,groupOfUniqueNames,dynamicGroup,dynamicGroupAux,groupWiseDistributionList,posixGroup,apple-group

#-# [Since 1.5M1]
#-# The potential names of the LDAP groups fields containings the members. Separated by commas.
#-# The default is member,uniqueMember,memberUid
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_memberfields=member,uniqueMember,memberUid

#-# Retrieve the following fields from LDAP and store them in the XWiki user object (xwiki-attribute=ldap-attribute).
#-# You can add any custom field ou want in the XWiki user profile in the user profile section of the wiki administration.
#-# You can find all the field defined in the user profile in the page XWiki.XWikiUsers and here are some of the important fields:
#-# * first_name
#-# * last_name
#-# * email
#-# * company
#-# * address
#-# * phone
#-# * comment (a free form text about the user)
#-# By default the list is empty

#-# [Since 1.3M2]
#-# On every authentication update the mapped attributes from LDAP to XWiki otherwise this happens only once when the XWiki
#-# account is created.
#-# - 0: only when creating user
#-# - 1: at each authentication
#-# The default is 0

#-# [Since 8.1M2]
#-# On every authentication update photo from LDAP to XWiki avatar otherwise photo will not be updated.
#-# - 0: never
#-# - 1: at each authentication
#-# The default is 0
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.update_photo=0

#-# [Since 8.1M2]
#-# Profile attachment name which will be used to save LDAP photo.
#-# The default is ldapPhoto
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.photo_attachment_name=ldapPhoto

#-# [Since 8.1M2]
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the binary photo
#-# The default is thumbnailPhoto
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.photo_attribute=thumbnailPhoto

#-# [Since 1.3M2]
#-# Maps XWiki groups to LDAP groups, separator is "|".
#-# The following kind of groups are supported:
#-# * LDAP static groups (users/subgroups are listed statically in the group object)
#-# * [Since 3.3M1] LDAP organization units (users/subgroups are sub object of the provided organization unit)
#-# * [Since 3.3M1] LDAP filter (users/groups are object found in a search with the provided filter),
#-#   | character in the filter need to be escaped with backslash (\).
#-# Here is an example:
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_mapping=XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup=cn=AdminRole,ou=groups,o=domain,c=com|\
#-#                                         XWiki.LDAPUsers=ou=groups,o=domain,c=com|\
#-#                                         XWiki.Organisation=(cn=testers)

#-# [Since 1.3M2]
#-# Time in s after which the list of members in a group is refreshed from LDAP
#-# The default is 21600 (6 hours)
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.groupcache_expiration=21600

#-# [Since 1.3M2]
#-# - create : synchronize group membership only when the user is first created
#-# - always: synchronize on every authentication
#-# The default is always
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.mode_group_sync=always

#-# [Since 7.2M3]
#-# Indicate groups members should be resolved in case they are subgroups.
#-# Doing so can be very expensive so it should be disabled if you know there is no subgroups
#-# (or if you don't care about them).
#-# If the group is actually a filter it will always be resolved since it does not make sense left alone.
#-# - 0: disable
#-# - 1: enable
#-# The default is 1
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_sync_resolve_subgroups=0

#-# [Since 1.3M2]
#-# SSL connection to LDAP server
#-# - 0: normal
#-# - 1: SSL
#-# The default is 0
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl=0

#-# [Since 1.3M2]
#-# The keystore file to use in SSL connection
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl.keystore=

#-# [Since 1.5M1]
#-# The java secure provider used in SSL connection
#-# The default is com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl.secure_provider=com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider

#-# Bypass standard LDAP bind validation by doing a direct password comparison.
#-# If you don't know what you do, don't use that. It's covering very rare and bad use cases.
#-# - 0: disable
#-# - 1: enable
#-# The default is 0
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.validate_password=0

#-# [Since 1.5M1]
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the password to be used "when xwiki.authentication.ldap.validate_password"
#-# is set to 1
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.password_field=userPassword

#-# [Since 4.3M1]
#-# The maximum number of milliseconds the client waits for any operation under these constraints to complete.
#-# The default is 1000
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.timeout=1000

#-# [Since 6.3M1]
#-# The maximum number of search results to be returned from a search operation.
#-# The default is 1000
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.maxresults=1000

#-# [Since 9.1]
#-# An HTTP Header to be use as the authenticated remote user input (in place of using the default authenticated user reported by the servlet container)
#-# WARNING: Enabling this feature without ensuring the validity of transmitted headers is very insecure.
#-# In this example, the authenticated user will be taken from the HTTP header REMOTE_USER:
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.httpHeader=REMOTE_USER

#-# [Since 9.0]
#-# A Java regexp used to parse the remote user provided by JAAS.
#-# The following matches the users like UID@DOMAIN:
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserParser=(.+)@(.+)

#-# [Since 9.0]
#-# Indicate which of the regexp group correspond to which LDAP properties.
#-# The following LDAP properties are reserved (any other property can be defined as variable for xwiki.authentication.ldap.userPageName):
#-#   * uid: the uid of the user
#-#   * password: the password of the user
#-#   * all the non multidomain related properties with "ldap_" prefix (ldap_server, ldap_port, ldap_base_DN, etc.) 
#-# The following indicate that the first regexp group is associated to the uid:
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.1=uid
#-# The following indicate that the second regexp group is associated everything else we want to make different based on the domain (the mapping is then used to indicate which is the value for each property):
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.2=domain,ldap_server,ldap_port,ldap_base_DN,ldap_bind_DN,ldap_bind_pass,ldap_group_mapping

#-# [Since 9.0]
#-# Indicate how to convert each found property. If a property is not set, the standard LDAP authenticator setup is used.
#-# Here is an example mapping each of the domains MYDOMAIN and MYDOMAIN2 to specific properties:
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.ldap_server=MYDOMAIN=my.domain.com|MYDOMAIN2=my.domain2.com
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.ldap_port=MYDOMAIN=388|MYDOMAIN2=387
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.ldap_base_DN=MYDOMAIN=dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com|MYDOMAIN2=dc=my,dc=domain2,dc=com
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.ldap_bind_DN=MYDOMAIN=cn=bind,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com|MYDOMAIN2=cn=bind,dc=my,dc=domain2,dc=com
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.ldap_bind_pass=MYDOMAIN=password|MYDOMAIN2=password2
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping.ldap_group_mapping=MYDOMAIN=XWiki.Admin=cn=admin,dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com\\|XWiki.LDAPUsers=ou=groups,o=domain,c=com|MYDOMAIN2=XWiki.Admin=cn=admin,dc=my,dc=domain2,dc=com\\|XWiki.LDAPUsers=ou=groups,o=domain2,c=com

#-# [Since 9.0]
#-# The XWiki page name pattern.
#-# The supported syntax is org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutor one,
#-# see http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-lang/javadocs/api-3.0/org/apache/commons/lang3/text/StrSubstitutor.html for more details.
#-# Can use:
#-# * the LDAP fields listed in xwiki.authentication.ldap.fields_mapping by prefixing it with "ldap." as in ${ldap.givenName}
#-# The default is "${uid}".
#-# * xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserParser regex groups
#-# * a properties defined in xwiki.authentication.ldap.remoteUserMapping
#-# [Since 9.5.5]
#-# The following suffixes can be added:
#-# * "._lowerCase": the lower case version of the string
#-# * "._upperCase": the upper case version of the string 
#-# * "._clean": a version of the string stripped from ".", ":", ",", "@", "^", "/" characters and "\s" (all forms of white spaces).
#-#             It can itself be suffixed with "._lowerCase" and "._uperCase".
#-# In this example the XWiki user profile page name will be of the form MYDOMAIN-myuid
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.userPageName=${domain}-${uid}

#-# [Since 9.0]
#-# The list of authentication inputs for which user profile should also be searched based on uid.
#-# You can use this property as retro-compatibility when upgrading a setup that used to be targeting a single LDAP server.
#-# An alternative is to change the uid in all the existing users to make sure it contains complete input instead.
#-# In this example the authenticator will try to find existing users from domain MYDOMAIN with only the uid when it can't find one with the complete input:
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.testLoginFor=${uid}@MYDOMAIN,${uid}@ANOTHERDOMAIN

#-# [Since 9.3]
#-# The maximum number of results to receive at the same time in a pages search (for example when searching group members).
#-# The default is 500.
#-# xwiki.authentication.ldap.searchPageSize=500

When you are out of idea, the best is generally to enable debug log to get a step by step of what the authenticator is doing and what are its struggles. See https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/LDAP/Authenticator/#HEnableLDAPdebuglog.

Thank you.
I acitvated in the Logging Admin UI the org.xwiki.contrib.ldap to TRACE.
Where can i find the logs or the information whats wrong?

You can see it in your application server log, if you don’t know where this is printed you can see some hints on https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Logging

I checked all logs but there is nothing.
I restarted Tomcat to make sure all settings will be active. After this i tried some logins.

In the “catalina.out” Log i can see the restart but after this event there is nothing more.
In the “org.xwiki.contrib.ldap-authenticator\log.xml” too. This log is from the last days.
I tried to find some more logs but i cant find anything interesting.

I don’t if your problem is the same one i met.

The user that LDAP used to verify is in the default “OU” USERS like you.

At start i configured [xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_DN] like this :


And in the log i have “invalid credentials”.

I explore AD with ADSI EDIT and for the user object in distinguish name i found this

For USER i have CN instead OU…

I change it for [xwiki.authentication.ldap.base_DN],[xwiki.authentication.ldap.bind_DN] and and it works.


Hi Matt,

thx for your answear.
It didnt change anything.

I set all logger do debug / trace wich have something to do with LDAP and seached the hole server for logs but there is nothing. In the tomcat logs i find stuff about xwiki but nothing with LDAP.

org.xwiki.contrib.ldap → DEBUG
org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.LDAPPluginReferralHandler → DEBUG
org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl → DEBUG
org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.XWikiLDAPConfig → DEBUG
org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.XWikiLDAPConnection → DEBUG
org.xwiki.contrib.ldap.XWikiLDAPUtils → DEBUG

Do i have to activate anything else?
If i restart tomcat i get logs. But after this there is nothing more.

I solved by using the “Active Directory Application”
I used the same configuration and it works

I dont know what the problem was before…

You shouldn’t’ have to BUY an application to make something work that should work. Lack of good concise documentation and community support should be enough. If I have to BUY a product, I will get something with solid support like CONFLUENCE! Unfortunately we do not have the budget for that for a simple helpdesk/FAQ page.