LDAP not working on a fresh new instance

I am testing XWiki Enterprise 7.0.1 on a freshly started server and preparing for an upgrade.

I can successfully register a new user with an email address and log in. However, LDAP is not working. So, I compared the files xwiki.cfg and xwiki.properties with a running production server of the same XWiki version. The files are mostly the same, despite the websocket.ssl.xxx configurations being disabled in testing but enabled in production.

I am new to this area, so I am unsure if I need to set up LDAP with the configuration files or the web console. So, I will highly appreciate any hints or suggestions.

This is a very strange thing to do. XWiki Enterprise 7.0.1 is more than 7 years old and really not something you want to be using these days. See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Download/.

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