So I’ve found the very useful link checker application and was reading up on the link checker transformation extension and I had the following thought
Would it be possible to decorate broken external links in the wiki so they would immediately be visible at a glance? For example, the valid external links would show as normal, but detected invalid links would show in a different style (e.g. color:red, strikethrough)
Yes, I can go into the External Links and filter only the broken links, but that doesn’t help the non admin users who could help report broken links if they see the problem ones at a glance.
If this is possible, how would I go about doing it? Would it require a new extension like the WikiWord Transformation? or would it require extending the current Link Checker extension?
Or would it be something simpler?
Any thoughts from the developers would be appreciated.
Hi @pdwalker
Indeed that could be done. Some thoughts:
- It could indeed be a new feature of the link checker application. It would make sense to me. To implement it, the transformation would need to get injected a
to get the results. Then it would check in it to see if there are broken links from the current page being displayed and if so, decorate them. That’s pretty easy to do and is IMO the best implementation.
- You could also imagine implementing your own transformation indeed and get injected the
to get the results and to do the decoration. It would work the same. I think it would be nicer to make it a default feature of the link checker app though.
So if you’re up to it, I’d propose that you give it a try and send a Pull Request through github. WDYT?
The jira would need to be created in Loading...
I think the first suggestion is the right way to go about it. In principle, it sounds straight forward.
I also think I’ll have to setup an xwiki development environment first.
Time to do some reading.
cool! And don’t hesitate to ask questions on the matrix channel at
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