List of all the wikis

When a user is not connected and display the list of all the wikis (…//bin/view/WikiManager/) what is the option that determine if a wiki appear on that list or not ?



It depends on you rights. If you are allowed to see a wiki, then it is listed.


Hello Guillaume,
But for unregistered users ?
I ask that because for me there is probably not only the rights for groups and users (with the special user “Unregistered users”).
When I manipulate the rights with REST, my wiki disappear of the list of all the wikis for unregistered users despite I haven’t activate the option “Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages, regardless of the space rights”.

According to what I know components involved in rights are XWiki.XWikiGlobalRights, XWiki.XWikiRights, XWiki.XWikiPreferences.
In my case the users are managed only on the main wiki.
