List with different svg-images

I’m using the following workaround to add some nice lists with different svg-images as dots. (Something like in the sidebar application panel.)

{{html}}<svg xmlns="…" height="12px" viewBox="…"><path d="123…"/></svg>{{/html}} New York
{{html}}<svg xmlns="…" height="12px" viewBox="…"><path d="456…"/></svg>{{/html}} Rio
{{html}}<svg xmlns="…" height="12px" viewBox="…"><path d="789…"/></svg>{{/html}} Tokyo

Both, my workaround and the application panel are not formated with a negative text-indent for a list-like line-break.

I was trying something like this:

(% style="text-indent:" %)(((
{{html}}<svg xmlns="…" height="12px" viewBox="…"><path d="123…"/></svg>{{/html}}New York

But this generates <div> instead of <p> or <li>.

Any idea how to write that in a proper XWiki syntax?

For <p> use:

(% style="text-indent:" %){{html}}<svg xmlns="…" height="12px" viewBox="…"><path d="123…"/></svg>{{/html}}New York

For <li> use

* (% style="text-indent:" %){{html}}<svg xmlns="…" height="12px" viewBox="…"><path d="123…"/></svg>{{/html}}New York```