Live Table: Configure title (replace "Entries")

Hi all

As far I know, a Live Table - whether created via AWM or directly using the macro - always looks like this:


I would think the title “Entries” should be configurable but found no solution for that. There is an option description but I understand this is something different (for screen readers, hidden).

It could probably be done with custom JavaScript but is there really no easier way to change (or at least to hide) this title)?


Check the XWiki page /AppWithinMinutes/Translations. There are several translation keys there with the value Entries. I’ve not played with them myself.

In this case, I won’t expect anything above the table in the content area. For instance, the following code:

#set($collist = ['doc.title', 'tags'])
#set($colprops = {
  'doc.title' : { 'type' : 'text' , 'size' : 30, 'link' : 'view', 'displayName' : 'Software' },
  'tags' : { 'type' : 'text', 'displayName' : 'Tags' }
#set($options = { 
  "tagCloud" : false,
  "selectedColumn" : "doc.title",
  "rowCount" : 25,
  "extraParams" : "&tagsProperty=XWiki.TagClass",
  "extraParams" : "&location=Software"

#livetable('software' $collist $colprops $options)

Will generate the table:


Provided the listed pages exist in your XWiki, of course! HTH!

Thank you! It’s the platform.appwithinminutes.appLiveTableHeading key, as the name already suggests. This is now of course affecting all AWM apps but for us this is fine - just removed the value “Entries”. If we want such a separate table heading (we already have the page title), we can edit the respective AWM homepage.

You’re right, I forgot I created my new Live Table version by editing an existing AWM-generated one so the references to AppWithinMinutes.LiveTableClass etc. are still there.


I’m sure it is possible to fine tune /Translations to create keys applying only to a give application! Translation is a very active, and complex, topic in these fora! See for instance Syntax support in translations/translation parameters

Stay tuned!

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