Livetable loads extremely slowly the first time

Windows 10, Tomcat 9.0.62, Maria DB 10.11.2

After upgrading from XWiki 13.10.5 to 14.10.9, the first request of a livetable with more than 4000 entries is very slow. The initial load of the page containing the livetable takes about 30 seconds instead of 4 seconds in version 13.10.5. Further loading processes only take a few seconds.

There are two differences between the versions in the general log of MariaDB: Firstly, the new property XWD_ORIGINAL_METADATA_AUTHOR. But I think the problem could be related to the extremely large number of SELECT queries. In version 13.10.5 there were 84 SELECT xwikidocum0_ queries, in version 14.10.9 there are over 3000 such SELECT queries.

The same behavior can also be observed in the page index with more than 19000 entries.

In other livetables, the time difference when loading is not so noticeable because they contain fewer entries.

It would be nice if the loading time was shorter again for livetables with a large number of entries, as it was in version 13.10.5.