Local/global users and wiki size limit on MyXWiki

I recently had a new wiki set up on myxwiki (many thanks!). I am still getting used to XWiki and I have a few general questions, apologies if these are a bit basic:

What is the difference between local and global users under the user rights? I want my wiki to be viewable to anyone (even unregistered), but I only want certain users to be able to edit content. My understanding is that people have to register on xwiki first before I can invite them to my wiki (ie. I can’t just email them an invitation to register?)
Ideally I want to display images that are already hosted on my own server, but is there a limit on how much can be stored on myxwiki?

See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Access%20Rights/ for general doc about rights.

  • Global = user existing on the main wiki.
  • Local = user existing only on the subwiki

Then it depends if you accept only local users for your subwiki or local + global or only global.

Then you just need to set the correct rights.

There are different ways:

No limit, just fair use, see " What’s the difference with XWiki SAS Cloud?" section of https://myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome