Local package mirror for xwiki

Hi @ all,

we have a local mirror to get packages for machines which are offline. The local mirror uses rsync and apt-mirror for several public mirrors like ubuntu packages and more. No we are trying to mirror the xwiki repository but cause of the structure of this mirror we can’t get it work.

Any help would be much appreciated.

When we make the following entries in mirror.list:

deb https://maven.xwiki.org stable/
deb https://maven.xwiki.org releases/

…we only get the packages file and release file downloaded, but not the packages for example in
Index of /releases/org/xwiki.

All the released packages are in Index of /releases/org/xwiki (it’s actually a Maven repository) and repositories like stable and lts are “virtual” repositories which expose a filtered set of packages.

You can see the script used to generate those Debian repositories on xwiki-dev-tools/debian/xwiki_scanpackages.sh at master · xwiki/xwiki-dev-tools · GitHub.

I don’t know much about apt-mirror, so I cannot really suggest how to best use it for your need.

Hi tmortagne,

thank you for your answer.

I think the main problem is that the xwiki repository does not us the classic repository structure.
Entries in the Ubuntu sources.list are as follow:

deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main restricted

(deb + URL + distribution + components) where distribution is in the dists folder of the mirror and the components are in the pool folder.

Sure, but dealing with distributions is a lot more work, and it’s not required strictly from Debian specifications point of view.