Login using Emails as Username


Is there any way …we can create the username as “Email IDs” instead of the Specific user name… ? I dont want to use CamelCase User names for login…Is there any way to do the login with username as Email ID.

Please help on this one as well!!

Thanks in Advance!!


Can someone please advise on the same ? Please let me know if any clarification required from me on my query.

Its been 4 days, haven’t received any replies/comments on my request


Vishal you’re asking a lot of questions :slight_smile: so don’t be surprised that people don’t answer all of them. The best way to get answers is for yourself to also contribute in some ways (see https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/Contributing). Note that people reply on their own time and only if they feel like it.

Now if you need guaranteed response times, it’s also possible, please see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Support#HProfessionalSupport


Thanks for your reply !!

The reason i am asking these questions because i am facing these problems even after following up the given links/manuals.

I will go through the above links and see if it helps.

Can you please answer the above questions asked for login?


We would like to login with email too. Just found two Jira Issues from 2016 regarding this:


Any news?