Logo background color in email notifications

I cannot see my logo in daily email notifications since the logo is white (to contrast nicely on the website). Any suggestions on how to have the logo displayed / have better contrast in the email notifications?

You could customize the mail template. See http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Notifications%20Application/#HCustomizingthenotificationemailtemplate

We should fix the default though since if your logo is ok in the color theme then the mail should use those colors.

So it looks like the background color should be: #f5f5f5, but I see a white background when receiving email notifications.


The colors used in the mail template are currently hard-coded in the template. They are not using the color themes. So the solutions proposed by @vmassol is correct.

I’ve created an issue about that problem there: Loading....

