I’m trying to change the logo that appears on the login page. After uploading an image, it will change it to “Wiki Logo” text instead of the actual expected image. Only the ‘Default’ image works. Any tips?
Log when pressing Save on either Default or my uploaded logo.png:
2019-03-14 23:40:11,581 [http://xwiki.contoso.com:8080/xwiki/bin/preview/XWiki/DefaultSkin] WARN m.i.DefaultJMXBeanRegistration - Failed to unregister resource with name [type=Velocity,domain=Engines,name=xwiki:XWiki.DefaultSkin^XWiki.XWikiSkins[0].logo]. Reason = [MalformedObjectNameException: Invalid character ‘:’ in value part of property]
The same logo is used in the Charcoal theme and works fine and the upload attachment works in general. I tried uploading a jpg instead of png and it’s still having the same issue. I can see the images when I select them on the Skin setting (image below) but it won’t appear in on the login page.
Correct! Vers 11.1 using the single button apt-get installation with tomcat8. This is a new install that I imported an older 7.2 xar into. I imported just the pages, charcoal theme, and Admin account. I did not import the skin over or the logo attachment.
Ok I fixed this by going through the code for anyone else having the same issues:
Note this is for debian tomcat8-postgresql11 setup. Requires server side permissions. This will change the theme’s logo (if different) as well. Change value of the logoname.png.
Upload png file to directory: /usr/lib/xwiki/resources/icons/xwiki
Open vm file and copy contents: /usr/lib/xwiki/skins/flamingo/companylogo.vm
Administer Wiki > Look & Feel > Themes > Customize XWiki.DefaultSkin > Overridden template: companylogo.vm > Add
Paste the companylogo.vm contents over.
Look for "<img src="$!logourl" alt="Wiki Logo"/>"
Modify to <img src="$xwiki.getSkinFile(‘icons/xwiki/NEWLOGO.png’)" alt=“Wiki Logo”/>