Logout on xwiki while using keycloak / OIDC

Hi @tmortagne

Thank you very much for your quick answer. I’m a developer and I guess it wouldn’t be to hard to add such functionality. Unfortunately, I don’t have a build / test environment.

I would do it somehow like this:

  • add a new logout endpoint to xwiki.properties:
  • In case this is configured, send request to this logout endpoint in the oidc-authenticator/src/main/java/org/xwiki/contrib/oidc/auth/internal/OIDCUserManager.java public void logout() method

what do you think?

Sounds good yes. Just a detail: this code should redirect the user and not send an HTTP request.

Ha maybe not actually, looks like the logout can be done by the relying party too. There is a com.nimbusds.openid.connect.sdk.LogoutRequest helper you can use it seems.

Oh, than its much more difficult if a redirect should be used.
What would happen if the LogoutRequest would be send in the logout() method in OIDCUserManager?

That’s what I tough initially since that’s usually how OIDC works (you make the user do stuff) but read the second part of my previous message.

I have the same Problem and i tried
in xwiki.properties, but can´t log out.

I´m very interested in a solution for this Problem.

@sbernhard started working on exactly this in https://github.com/xwiki-contrib/oidc/pull/5

Unfortunately, I’m not able to test it as it looks like, keycloak doesn’t support the RP initiated logout with OIDC. If someone else want to test it, please have a look at the github PR. If necessary, I can provide the compiled *.jar files which needs to be used.

It is just a workaround, but perhaps it’ll help in the meantime:

edit the drawer.vm in the /skins/flamingo folder, find the line #1 with XWikiLogout and change #2 (see following picture) to the Keycloak OpenID Logout URL “https://keycloak-url/auth/realms/MYREALM/protocol/openid-connect/logout”.

In my deb-installation the folder is located here: /usr/lib/xwiki/skins/flamingo

Check the syntax, as you must begin directly after the xredirect= an end after URL)


For me this works now for some months. You have to edit it again after an update.

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It should be possible to fix this problem. Keycloak is not so small, that this is irrelevant.
When RP-initiated logout is not possible, then we need another solution.

We try this “Workaround” but we need a right Solution for this Problem.
With this, no local user (admin) can logout from the Wiki.

Perhaps this can help - but it is just another workaround:

Give the local admins this link:


If they open this link in the same browser, they should be logged out. But i did not try this!!

I’ve successfully authenticated xwiki with Okta OIDC, but since there is no logout, this renders the OIDC interface unusable/impractical for production use or am I missing something? Did I miss the documentation on the proper URL to call for logout or is the logout function still missing?

It was pretty straight forward to set up with Okta once I figured out the proper login URI. Here is the login redirect URI I used with Okta that got me in:


<your_URL_here> would be something like wiki.domainname.com

First of all, I found a cool addition to enter a redirect uri to the logout scheme:
http://auth-server/auth/realms/{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri=encodedRedirectUri ,

Unfortunately, the whole logout process doesn’t work right now in keycloak. Don’t know why. Maybe related because of using SAML authentication on keycloak for another app, too.

Hi @sbernhard

find the drawer.vm in the /skins/flamingo folder an edit it. search the line with <a href="$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogout', at the beginning. Edit the following and change the whole line:

<a href="$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiLogout', 'logout', "xredirect=https://KEYCLOAK-SERVER/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri=ADDRESS_TO_BE_SHOWN_AFTER_LOGOUT"")" id="tmLogout" rel="nofollow">$services.icon.renderHTML('log-out') $escapetool.xml($services.localization.render('logout'))</a>

Afterwards no reboot is needed. Just reload a page. :slight_smile:

Logout will work without problems. I use this for some month now witout problems.

Remember to edit it again, after an update!

Hmm. I use SAML for Nextcloud and Wordpress - and OpenID for Wekan and XWiki. For me it works great.

Works. Thank you very much.

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Hi all, my workaround is essentially that described by @jwielsch and @sbernhard at post #16, however, I used the Administer Wiki tools to override drawer.vm in my xwiki’s active skin, rather than edit the file directly on the server – hopefully this step means the change will persist across upgrades etc.

Logged in as an administrator > Drawer > Administer Wiki > Look & Feel > Themes > Skin > Customize > Edit this skin > Add a new overriding template names drawer.vm > paste the full contents from server-side file with relevant edit described above > Save

Also, in my case, the location server-side was /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/skins/flamingo/drawer.vm
(I’m running the Docker image xwiki:lts-mysql-tomcat)

The above is with the line
commented out in xwiki.properties. I tried with this line active but I did not see a change in behavior.

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Just for the record: Does ist work? If yes, one should update the official documentation.

We have been using the same approach (adding the original content to the overriding template and changing the suggested line) and it is working fine so far. We have not set the oidc.endpoint.logout variable either.

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I did not test it thoroughly but I did try it once (oidc.endpoint.logout=https://KEYCLOAKSERVER /auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/logout)
This did not work for me. Maybe I did not provide the correct URL, otherwise misunderstood something, or forgot to restart the instance. But I think I followed correct procedure and I saw no change in the URL linked to by the Logout button and upon clicking the page simply refreshed the same as it did before uncommenting this line in xwiki.properties
I definitely recommend a few other folks give it a try before reaching a conclusion.

Another workaround (for docker version) is just passing drawer.vm to the docker image.

docker exec -it xwiki-mysql-tomcat-web cat /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/skins/flamingo/drawer.vm > ./drawer.vm

Then find there href="$xwiki.getURL(‘XWiki.XWikiLogout’ as was mentioned before. And replace the string like this

<a href="$xwiki.getURL(‘XWiki.XWikiLogout’, ‘logout’, “xredirect=$escapetool.url(‘https://YOUR_KEYCLOACK_URL/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri=https://YOUR_WIKI_URL’)”)" id=“tmLogout” rel=“nofollow”>$services.icon.renderHTML(‘log-out’) $escapetool.xml($services.localization.render(‘logout’))

Then edit docker-compose.yaml and pass drawer.vm to docker container

      - ./xwiki.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/xwiki.cnf
      - ./mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
      - ./init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql
      - ./drawer.vm:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/skins/flamingo/drawer.vm:ro