Lost Admin Access on xwiki


I wanna reorganize the pages for more visibility in the XWiki “Domain”.

I decided to ‘tidy up’ all profiles under a ‘Profiles’ page (which I created) in XWiki. I was doing this with the Admin account, but now I can not log in to the admin account, no possibility to rollback

Is there a solution ?

(Why this option to move profiles is not blocked to avoid this kind of error by the way ???)

Thank you :slight_smile:

The thing is profile are not just profile but the actual users (yes users are wiki pages too) to moving them broke them (the real id of Admin is is actually XWiki.Admin, login allow Admin in input just as a helper).

Yep it should.

So when all seems lost you can call superadmin to the rescue: see http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Configuration/#HEnablesuperadminaccount to get more detail on how to enable it.

You will need to move the profiles back to XWiki space and restore the groups where those users were listed (usually at least XWiki.XWikiAllGroup and XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup groups). The easiest to fix a group usually is to go to the group page, look at the history and Rollback to the version before your move.

Thanks @tmortagne

It works fine now :tada:. Hope this feature will be more safe in the next updates :slight_smile: