Make SQL query and form the table


Have anybody used something like PocketQuery for Confluence?

I have a need to form the table at the page by making the SQL Query to the database to fetch the list of server currently in service.

I have found the SQL tools plugin, but, it doesn’t do exactly what I want.
I also found the SQL query snipplet at the wiki, but, it didn’t work for 2 reasons:

  • XWiki don’t boot if I put the driver’s jar jtds-1.3.1.jar to the tomcat lib folder
  • it stores password as a plan text that I don’t really like.

I would be thankful if you can recommend me something to get the table formed by SQL query in the proper way.

Thank you!



Vincent, am I right that if I use SQL Tools, I just can get the output on the page of the plugin?
Do you know which approach will be fine to form the tables from the quered data from SQL DB?

Thank you!

Please, what does “form the table” mean for you? To select some fields from the XWiki database? To style the output?