Maven Repository Appears NOT Updated for 'XWiki 14.10.19 Released'

Just tried doing a Debian Bullseye XWiki LTS 14.10.18 upgrade to 14.10.19 and it reported “Inrelease”, thus nothing downloaded to be change or upgraded.

Using (and has been using for years):

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/xwiki-keyring.gpg] lts/

Did I miss something new?


I’m pretty sure I did force the rebuild of the Debian repository index as part of the 14.10.19 release, but even if I had skipped this step, the index is supposed to be rebuilt automatically each day, and a couple of days have passed since the release. @tmortagne do you know what could be wrong?


I can see 14.10.19 in:

but not in:

All fine. LTS is 14.10.x.

@TKutch if you want the latest stable version of XWiki you should switch to the stable Debian repository. See

Shouldn’t the version 14.10.19 be in the LTS repository?
If I switch to stable, I would get the 15.x version.
I want to stay with 14.10.x for now.

Ha, sorry. Ignore my previous message, for some reason I read “15.9” instead of “14.10.19”.

So indeed, looks like LTS part of the repository update script was commented. It should be OK now.

Thx! :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for looking into this issue. I was able to finally complete the upgrade a few minutes ago.