Mermaid diagrams support

Dea XWiki. Let me ask if you plan to support Mermaid diagramm. A very useful and simple tool for complex topics such as displaying charts. I believe this would be a very useful extension for many users of your system.



PS: Please use the “Help/Discuss” category for discussions/questions when you post. I’ve updated your post.

There’s no plan but it would be nice indeed. Maybe you could develop it?

We do support several diagrams already though. For ex:

FYI, I’ve created an issue for it at Loading...

i like XWiki more and more, thank you for you support ) UML and YAML its also that’s what i need. Mermaid will be very helpful too.

+1 for Mermaid diagrams! I have also upvoted the JIRA :slight_smile:

And I’ve proposed it as a GSOC at:


I tried to develop a mermaid render macro and published it on github.But there are still some issue:

  • How to edit the source of diagram in WISIWYG editor and inplace editor?
  • How to implement a live editor?
  • How to display error message in two editor mode(WISIWYG and inplace)?

I very rarely use the WISIWYG for PlantUML, at least the built-in XWiki. I believe that for Mermaid this is a minor inconvenience compared to the ability to use Mermaid diagrams. Third-party LiveEditor will allow you to debug complex diagrams and perhaps later it will be possible to teach WISIWYG for make Mermaid too. In the meantime, even just supporting Mermaid will give me significant benefits of using XWiki.

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Look, Kroki is better. Thx for Daniel Beland ( Loading...) for what prompted such a wonderful idea

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