I’m proposing to migrate Apps Within Minutes to Live Data, this means in particular letting Apps Within Minutes generate Live Data by default instead of Livetable. There are several questions here:
What should be the migration path? I’m proposing the following:
- In the wizard, there will be a selection which implementation to use. For new apps this will default to Live Data, for existing apps it will default to Livetable. There will be an explanation that Live Data is the more modern approach that has new features like inline editing but that you can switch back to Livetable if you should encounter any issues (that you should report).
- Users can change as often as they want between Livetable and Live Data, the migration works in both directions (actually, there won’t be a “migration” but rather just two different code generation scripts).
- At some point, we might move Livetable to an extension that is no longer bundled by default and then we might either remove support for Livetable in AWM (and remove the selection and an app that is changed is always migrated to Live Data) or display the select only if this extension is installed.
Is Live Data ready for this? With respect to missing features compared to Livetable, I’m aware of the lack of tag clouds and the Livetable exporter macro doesn’t work, either. Tag clouds are currently used both in the generated apps and on the HomePage of AWM. I’m thus proposing to implement them as first step (see XWIKI-19037.
Is there anything I’ve missed? Any comments on the migration path?