Migrate to new server

Currently our xwiki installation is on windows server 2012 . It is war installation. xwiki version 9.4. We are using mysql. Due to some reasons we need to migrate it to new host machine urgently. Can any one help me with the proper method for it ? Some steps and important points to be considered would be appreciated. Also could it be possible to upgrade it to 9.7 during the migration itself ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

If you plan to keep using MySQL the simplest is to dump your database from the old server and restore it in the new one and copy your permanent directory. See http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Backup for more details about what to backup.

To be safe I would move it as 9.4 and then, when it’s working, start the upgrade process.

Ok. I am following the same link.
Had a doubt, will restoring the database bring back all the wiki pages also or I have to export-import them explicitly again ?

You will get your wiki pages back (the main job of the database is to store the wiki pages).