Migrated articles: $doc.getChildren() not working


We are migrating a jsp wiki to xwiki with api. Creating article after article one by one.

Some pages should function as index pages. But we do have a problem. There are no childs returned.

Absolute minimized code


returns only an empty array.


But there are lots of children to see in navigation panel.

If I create a page and subpages inside wiki by myself this code snippet shows all first level children, what we want to achieve.

Any ideas what is happening there?
Regards, Simpel

To give some more information: macros {{children/}} and {{documentTree/}} are working but don’t fit our requirements.

We started with this code but this give us children with more than the first level:

{{toc start="2"/}}

{{html clean="false"}}
#xwikicontent>p {
  columns: 3 auto;
#xwikicontent>ul {
  columns: 3 auto;
  width: 100%;

#set ($children = $services.query.xwql("where doc.space like '$doc.getSpace().%' order by upper(doc.title)").execute())

#set ($first = '')

$children.size() Einträge

#foreach ($childRef in $children)
  #set ($child = $xwiki.getDocument($childRef))
  #set ($title = $child.getTitle())
  #set ($childFirst = $title.substring(0,1).toUpperCase())
  #if ($alphabet.indexOf($childFirst) == -1)
    #set ($childFirst = '#')
  #if ($first != $childFirst)
    #set ($first = $childFirst)
    == $first ==

#if (false)
{{documents location="$doc.getSpace()." count="50" actions="false" columns="doc.title"/}}

This gives us an index page with beginning-letter-toc but not only the children first level.
So we tried:

#set ($children = $doc.getChildren())

But this is as written in the first post not working on the pages we migrated with the api.
We use this api call with put:


May I ping?

Regards, Simpel

That’s now our solution:

{{toc start="2"/}}

{{html clean="false"}}
#xwikicontent>p {
  columns: 3 auto;
#xwikicontent>ul {
  columns: 3 auto;
  width: 100%;

#set ($children = $services.query.xwql("select space.reference from Space space where space.parent like '$doc.getSpace()' order by upper(space.reference)").execute())
#set ($first = '')

$children.size() Einträge

#foreach ($childRef in $children)
  #set($childRef = $escapetool.xml($childRef))
  #set ($child = $xwiki.getDocument($childRef))
  #set ($title = $child.getPageReference().getName())
  #set ($childFirst = $title.substring(0,1).toUpperCase())
  #if ($alphabet.indexOf($childFirst) == -1)
    #set ($childFirst = '#')
  #if ($first != $childFirst)
    #set ($first = $childFirst)
    == $first ==

We now look for all the spaces which parent is the current space we are inside.
There is only one little thing I wonder about.

#set ($title = $child.getPageReference().getName())

was previously

#set ($title = $child.getTitle())

But that is not working. (getName() is marked as deprecated that’s why I care.) What is the reason that getTitle() isn’t working here?