Hi there
I’m new to xWIKI, so maybe this is a beginner question. There is a “Macros” Node in the Navigation Tree on the left which has some children from installed macros (like “Calc Macro”, LiveTables Macro …). If one select the “Macros” node, there is a message that there is no such page … is this by design or should this be addressed in future releases?
xWIKI 8.4.5 …
Yes, this is possible. You can create a page A/B/C without having A/B (its parent). The navigation tree will show the page A/B in this case, even if it doesn’t exist, so that you can access A/B/C.
Now, although this is possible and it doesn’t cause any problem technically, it’s not recommended because it creates confusion, especially if the child pages are visible (not hidden). In the case of the Macros page, all its child pages should be hidden so simple users don’t see it. You must have activated “Show hidden pages” from your user profile.
Hope this helps,
Dear Marius
Thank you for the insight into the capabilities of XWiki (which I did not know as I’m a newbie). However, like for the “Calc Macro” page probably provided by the for mentioned extension, the page is not hidden by default. Same for other extensions like “LiveTable Generator”, “LiveTable Macro”, “thumbnail macro” … none of them have the “Hidden page” option checked …
If one assumes that the extension created the page, it probably did as you said using the path “macros\extension”, ignoring if there is a macro page or not … which would perfectly match your statement above …
Best regards
It’s possible that some extensions don’t follow the best practice of hiding their technical pages. I think this is mostly the case with the extensions that are contributed by individuals and that are not supported or recommended by the XWiki Development Team. In any case it’s a bug that should be reported if the extension has a bug tracker. In the case of http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Calc%20Macro I don’t see any link to the bug tracker so you can try to leave a comment (I see there are already some comments there).
Hope this helps,