Missing translations and documentTree macro not registered


After a fresh install of XWiki version 14.1 using the .deb method (stable repository), I upgraded our existing database from v11.10.3 using the DistributionWizard as superadmin. Initially all went well, but then after and a couple of Tomcat restarts and having logged in as an normal admin user, I get 2 issues:

  • Missing translations in the Admin pages
  • documentTree macro not registered


All extensions are up to date.
Nothing related to this in catalina.log.
1 line in localhost.log:
22-Mar-2022 10:27:13.403 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-9 - [xxx]/xwiki/rest/wikis/xwiki/localization/translations?locale=en&prefix=&key=index.documentTree.empty] org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.log RestletServlet: [Restlet] ServerServlet: component class is null

Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi, to be sure I understand: you upgraded XWiki to 14.1, ran the DW and then restarted it completely and it worked fine. You even restarted it a few times and all was ok. Then nothing was changed at all (you didn’t move the permanent directory, nor installed any new extension, nor upgraded any existing extension) and when you restarted one more time it started failing as shown on the screenshot?

And if you restart again, it continue to fail?


Actually, it took a couple of tries with DW to upgrade. Eventually, extensions were upgraded. I had the Navigation tree working and more options in the left and right menus. I can’t say if the localisation strings were already missing or not at that point. Then I shut Tomcat down, configured the OpenId connector for Keycloak, started Tomcat, logged in as a user defined in Keycloak who has admin rights in XWiki. This is when the documentTree error showed up and I noticed the missing localisation strings.

I have now disabled the OpenId authentication, logged in as superadmin, and both issues are still there: documentTree error and missing localisation.

There are only 2 pages in the wiki, so maybe it’s simpler to just restart with an empty database? Or is there a way to reset the flavour?