Move of xwiki-platform-svg to XWiki Contrib

Hi devs,

I’d like to propose moving xwiki-platform-svg to XWiki Contrib for the main reason that I don’t think that offering a SVG rasterizer API is something core, and I feel it would be better be located as a contrib extension. In addition, we’ve not touched this API since 2016.

The core incentive for this move is to slim down XWiki according the rule we voted a long time for only putting core stuff in it.

Please vote.

Here’s my +1






I’m proposing the name of svg-rasterizer for the GH repo and SVGRASTER for the jira project.

PS: I’ve changed this thread from a proposal to a VOTE since it’s about removing some API from platform (and breaking backward compat, even if users would be able to install the contrib extension to get it back).

EDIT: backward compat will be broken because of the change of package name. From org.xwiki.platform.svg to org.xwiki.contrig.svg.

+0 thanks

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