Move xwiki-platform-graphviz to XWiki Attic

Hi devs,

We had a VOTE thread in the past to move out the graphviz code outside of platform, see

However, I’d like to ensure we’re still ok and that we’re ok to move it to XWiki Attic.


Rationale for Attic vs Contrib:

  • It’s old
  • It’s been unmaintained and we don’t even know if it still works
  • We would need to release a version of it if we move it to contrib but I doubt it’s useful
  • If one day we find that we need to have it in contrib and release it, we can always do it

Here’ s my +1

Please cast your vote.




VOTE is passed with 3 +1, no 0, no -1.

It’s been implemented in Loading...