Mysql database print

Hello there
MySQL 'I want to print and receive data from the XWiki system. How can I do it?
Thanks… :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you explain in a little more detail what you want to accomplish? Your description does not give me a lot to work with.

I would like to save information to the MySQL database using ApWithinMinutes (AWM). then I want to get the information from the database and list it. Frankly; that
I want to do this with MySQL.

Hmm… That is not going to be straightforward. I am not familiar with the xwiki app development process, but this is what I do know

If you just use the “appwithinminutes”, then your data will be stored inside the xwiki database in whatever format xwiki decides to store its objects in. What is that format? I cannot say exactly, but it’s not immediately obvious from browsing the database structure.

It should be possible to create an app that will store data into a specific table (using livetables and setting the correct database mapping?) and thus you’ll be able to browse the database data more easily. However you are going to have to spend time with the developer documentation to learn how to do this.

It sounds like you are trying to xwiki as a simple user interface to a simple database application. Are you sure you want to use xwiki just for that? There may be better and easier ways to accomplish this.

thanks :slight_smile: yeah, I began using a different method.