I want to hide the First Name and Last Name in the User Directory, but when I remove these columns and hit the Save button, I get an error: “Failed to save page. Reason: Server not responding”.
Am I not allowed to change the columns of the User Directory? Or is it a bug?
Could you check your xwiki logs and see if there’s any error in it? Thx
Ah it’s on myxwiki.org… so you don’t have access to it
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Would be interesting to try to reproduce locally on a clean XS
Ah it’s on myxwiki.org… so you don’t have access to it
Yep, so there’s not a lot I can do, except reporting the issue
You can try to reproduce on a local instance (download the zip, unzip, start, reproduce).
I have installed [XWiki Jetty HSQLDB 14.3.1] locally and can modify the User Directory without any problems.
Is there a problem in the Debian version of (My)XWiki?
What’s your wiki exactly @HamsterNL ?
I don’t have any error when accessing https://nandeck.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=globaladmin§ion=userdirectory, so I assume it has something to do with the fact that I have global admin right (which is also the case when you try on a local demo package like you did). You still reproduce the problem on myxwiki.org, right?
Could you open your browser’s Web Developer Tools, reload the page and see if you have a request with an error in the Network tab? If you click on it, you might have a more detailed error in the “Response” tab on the right.
Here’s the POST error expanded
Are you in https://nandeck.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=globaladmin§ion=userdirectory
or https://nandeck.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/UserDirectory?customize=true
The first one modifies the default configuration of the user index for everyone (so it changes the current wiki configuration), while the second only modify it for your own user (so it save the configuration of your user which is located in a different domain which is something the browser does not like too much and that we need to improve indeed).
Thanks for confirming. I created based on your report Loading....
So a workaround would be to modify it in the wiki administration instead of only for your user. It’s also possible that modifying that on https://www.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/UserDirectory?customize=true also apply it to your wiki.