Nested Pages migration for confluence

im trying to import the confluence database into xwiki, so far everything was ok, stumbled upon a problem of using nested pages. It obviously sees the hierarchy (detect breakages):

If you don't migrate your pages, 3 documents will lose their current parent.

    Page xwiki:TEST.Sub-test will lose its current parent xwiki:TEST.Test because its location parent is xwiki:TEST.WebHome.
    Page xwiki:TEST.Test will lose its current parent xwiki:TEST.TEST Home because its location parent is xwiki:TEST.WebHome.
    Page xwiki:TEST.TEST Home will lose its current parent because its location parent is xwiki:TEST.WebHome.

but when i try to compute plan it returns:



        [TEST.WebHome] (unchanged) (3 children, 0 preferences, 0 rights) from TEST.WebHome
            [Preferences] : (coming from )
            [Right] (coming from )



        [TEST.WebHome] (unchanged) (3 children, 0 preferences, 0 rights) from TEST.WebHome
            [Preferences] : (coming from )
            [Right] (coming from )

There is nothing to do!

So far i did everything according to official guide and kinda got out of ideas for what could be wrong.
Could you please help with any advice where to look/where to check? Thanks in advance

xwiki 14.1
Nested Pages Migrator Application 0.8.2


i am actually running into the same issue. I have for testing converted the main space of our current confluence instance from an XML import, and properly ended up with a flat hierarchy of the pages after import.
When i then start a “Nested Pages migration”, and click the detect button it also properly detects 2560 Pages needing adjustment, and similar to the previous poster still the caluclated plan ends up just showing the WebHome and nothing to do.
I tried all kinds of adjustments to the fields but am also running out of ideas?
Any help would be appreciated.

Having the same problem for a particular Confluence Space/ZIP not knowing what to do or check.


I think there is an usability issue.

The plan is display as a tree, but the tree is unfold by default. You can open it by clicking on the little arrow at the left of page name.

Capture d’écran 2022-05-03 à 12.51.41
Capture d’écran 2022-05-03 à 12.51.58

The arrow on which you need to click:
Capture d’écran 2022-05-03 à 12.53.38

It think it might be the cause of your issue.

If it does not help, please let me know.


That is not the case, i am having the same issue.
The breakages are all detected with no proble, but when computed the plan, it is displayed a message “There is nothing to do!” and the “Execute plan” buttun is disabled.


Sorry for falling out of topic, i missed ur reply :slight_smile:
after update (today) to 0.8.3 everything works brilliantly perfect! Thank you so very much!

Marking as solved

true, that was like that previously. Update plugin and check now, everything should be working

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