New icons for the Icons Sets

We are in the process of using the configured icon theme of the wiki when displaying the Live Data macro (we are currently using font awesome invariably, see

To do so, we need to add new icons to the list of XWiki Icons.

You’ll find below a table summarizing the required new icons as well as their proposed names and equivalence in the currently maintained icon sets.

Proposed name Silk Font Awesome Glyphicon (Bootstrap) Elusive
add-circle img add (but same than for add) img fa-plus-circle img glyphicon-plus-sign img plus-sign
filter img find img fa-filter image glyphicon-filter img filter
sort img
table_sort text_linespacing img
fa-sort fa-sort-amount-desc img glyphicon-sort img arrow-up
maximize img arrow_out img window-maximize img glyphicon-resize-full img resize-full
minimize img arrow_in img window-minimize img glyphicon-resize-small img resize-small
first-page img resultset_first img fa-angle-double-left img glyphicon-fast-backward img fast-backward
last-page img resultset_last img fa-angle-double-right img glyphicon-fast-forward img fast-foward
previous-page img resultset_previous img fa-angle-left img glyphicon-step-backward img step-backward
next-page img resultset_next img fa-angle-right img glyphicon-step-forward img step-forward



“page” sounds way too specific to me, this icon could be used for various other things

What about simply use the font awesome names (without the “fa-” part) for all icons ? There is collision with existing icons ?

The primary use of the last four names is for displaying icons to move across pages in a pagination. I agree this is specific but I’m not sure having a more generic name such as angle-left would be more helpful.

Or we could have something like go-to-first, go-to-previous, go-to-next, go-to-last if we want to avoid using the “name” terminology.

Also I realize I forgot one detail, for the sort icons, I currently propose two choices for Silk and Font Awesome as me and @cdesableau did not manage to convince ourselves of which one was best fitted.

Please let us know which ones you prefer.

I agree that all the *-page icon names are too specific and shouldn’t be limited to pages. I’d prefer first-item, last-item, previous-item and next-item (or even first, last, previous and last).

For sort, not sure, but I think I have a small preference for text_linespacing for Silk. For FA, the icon you put seem to be for another mapping:

  • fa-sort: Font Awesome v6 Beta
  • The icon you put seems to be a PRO icon and not a free one.
  • There are other options like all the arrow-(up|down)-*

After some more research, I managed to find more existing icons that could be used for Live Data, and reduced the number of icons to introduce to:

  • 3 fully new new icons(filter, fast-backward, and arrow_in)
  • 1 existing icon that was not defined in Font Awesome (table_sort)
Name Silk Font Awesome
filter find (already associated to the find icon name, but with a different semantic) image filter Q-Xh-4OxZqbe-gF8VMNgjoThBrxYXrJRxyGCqhaoScdq8Gl3szqlbOzMgK65VtCA03gq_pdbHYeo52lfuDYQU0aV0g9E-EkDgs6A1W7RgHPxHhukw12qmYIxWKZc9p8hmKjiCExD4A
table_sort table_sort (already existing) image sort m7NknZgfVSKnzKJnD6N_1eLl5-usMFfEeTNxUfz81KfVf8vWIkVSVUsifz9ksA-mZoCgCyG1s68ht7RLqDqQBOYW6L64GrSbpKBu1DODtMvIgPgj3xeNFG6Iz6ltYNwS9bShEFxy2w
fast-backward (to match the existing fast-forward) control_rewind image fast-backward image
arrow_in (to match the existing arrow_out) arrow_in image window-minimize image

Note: We are using font awesome 4.7.0 (Font Awesome, the iconic font and CSS toolkit). Afaik all the icons are free in this version.

Some screenshots of the icons in context:

Font Awesome
