New Installation

Hi! My name is Rod. From a Win10 machine on our network, I’m trying to open XWiki in Chrome (http://ourxwikiIPaddress:8080/xwiki) to configure it for first use but see error 503.

This page isn’t working

is currently unable to handle this request.

The (other) tomcat page opens quickly to the good page (successful).

I am using the following apps on Centos 7.9.
Java 8
Tomcat 7.0.106
PostgreSQL 9.6.20
JDBC 4.2 (Postgresql-42.2.18.jar)
XWiki 11.10.5

I was following the steps outlined at the following page.
Centos7.2 install XWIKI 11.10.5 - Programmer Sought

  • But changes were made for tomcat version (dot 104 to dot 106), and the path where tomcat was found installed on Centos.

Tomcat log is brief: /opt/apache-tomcat-7.0.106/logs/localhost_access_log.2020-11-22.txt

Are there some logs I should be checking?

Thank you

I made a mistake when misreading one instruction for “commenting 99 lines” there in the hibernate.cfg.xml file. Of course, there is no need for two different database configs in Postgres. My fault there. So, we did update the file properly. Then shutdown and startup Tomcat. And then stop and start Postgres service. Now, XWiki is opening, initializing… Nice!
