New PageRelations application released

With the initial support of @ldubost, @vmassol and Anca, the contributions from @caubin and the suggestions from @acotiuga thanks, the Page Relations application has been released. It makes it easy to create relations between pages and to expose clusters / facets of pages that are second-level relations highly connected to first-level relations.

See the Movies page example below: you can navigate across all pages that have a relation to the page “Movies”, or filter the relations by their facets: hitting “Charlie Chaplin” will list all pages which are both related to “Movies” and to “Charlie Chaplin”, hitting “Drama” will display all movies having a relation with the page “Drama” etc.

More info at:

XWiki 10.4 is needed for this application, or earlier versions with a simple update of “contentview.vm” provided on the extension page.


  • While renaming pages in simple cases is supported, there is a pending issue with renaming pages having children that have relations, see issue PAGEREL-24
  • The deletion of pages having inverse relations won’t delete these yet, see issue PAGEREL-5

Your feedback and improvement ideas will be welcome of course.