New SAML authentication plugin

Hello there,

I have developed a new SAML 2.0 authenticator based on the OneLogin SAML library (GitHub - SAML-Toolkits/java-saml: Java SAML toolkit) and would like to move it to xwiki-contrib and eventually publish it to the community.

I know there was a previous plugin, but it didn’t work for me and it was based on library that was deprecated and reached its end of life.

My github id is taksan. Can you please give me access to it?

The current code is at GitHub - taksan/authenticator-saml-onelogin: An XWiki plugin to provide SAML 2.0 Authentication.

Thank you

Hi Takeuchi, great news !

I agree with you that there was not much to save in the old authenticator-saml.

Moving repositories to github organization is not very practical and our current setting does not allow non-owner to create repositories (it’s all or nothing from what I can see). So I guess the only solution currently would be for you to transfer it to me (tmortagne) so that I can then move it to the xwiki organization.

I will also create a new project on for it when it’s moved. I guess you plan to release it on too ?

There was no way to make it work with the current LTS branch (12.10) ?

You should use parent-platform as parent instead of xwiki-commons-pom these days. See GitHub - xwiki-contrib/parent at 12.10.x for more details.

Also in terms of Java package you should ideally use org.xwiki.contrib prefix for XWiki Contrib projects (instead of com.xwiki which is a XWiki SAS pro thing).

Well, I didn’t even try the LTS. Will git it a shot, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing specific. I will make the changes you requested and then I will transfer the project, no worries.


Btw, yes, I plan to release to nexus and make it available to everyone



any progress adding this to the community?


Hi Taksan,
Thanks you for the great plugin.
Can I know how to install this SAML plugin. do I need to copy files to any specific folder?


To this day, this plugin is still publicly unavailable. Should we consider this project as dead ?