New Wiki Request for SonGodo

Hello XWiki-Team,

I would like to test XWiki for orga topics of my Ultimate Frisbee team (only a small hobby/fun team, not commercial :wink: ). My owner name is “MichaelGoldhammer”, the wiki name should be “ABflug” (or “abflug”, if capitals don’t matter)

Thanks in advance

You can access your new wiki on

Enjoy !

Thank you!

When trying to log in I got the message “invalid credentials”, as my user name does not exist anymore. I created the same user again (MichaelGoldhammer), but now I don’t have write access to the wiki.
Did I do something wrong?

You deleted it ?

No, I don’t think so. But when choosing “forgot passwort”, I got the message that the user doesnt exist.

OK I found what happen: there is a typo in the first one you registered: MIchaelGoldhammer (notice the upper case I) and that’s the one which was set as wiki owner.

I just changed the wiki descriptor to use the new one (MichaelGoldhammer) as owner and deleted the old one, should be OK now.

Thank you, that was the solution- now it’s working :slight_smile: