Hello XWiki-Team,
I would like to test XWiki for orga topics of my Ultimate Frisbee team (only a small hobby/fun team, not commercial ). My owner name is “MichaelGoldhammer”, the wiki name should be “ABflug” (or “abflug”, if capitals don’t matter)
Thanks in advance
You can access your new wiki on https://abflug.myxwiki.org.
Enjoy !
Thank you!
When trying to log in I got the message “invalid credentials”, as my user name does not exist anymore. I created the same user again (MichaelGoldhammer), but now I don’t have write access to the wiki.
Did I do something wrong?
No, I don’t think so. But when choosing “forgot passwort”, I got the message that the user doesnt exist.
OK I found what happen: there is a typo in the first one you registered: MIchaelGoldhammer
(notice the upper case I) and that’s the one which was set as wiki owner.
I just changed the wiki descriptor to use the new one (MichaelGoldhammer
) as owner and deleted the old one, should be OK now.
Thank you, that was the solution- now it’s working