The parish of Ste Agnès St Gabriel, in the Paris region, has just created a wiki stastg.myxwiki.org which will serve to communicate and inform the public about the activities of our Catholic Parish in Ile de France (Conferences, solidarity, timetables, training etc …).
Your message is not very clear. Is this a request to create a new wiki stastg.myxwiki.org ? And what would be the myxwiki.org account to set as owner of that wiki ?
I can read on the website “The farm is open to individuals and non-profit organizations to create wikis on.” Also, I try to create a wiki according to the indications given.
First: “Register on myxwiki.org” is done.
Then, “Create a topic (in English but I speak French) on the XWiki Forum providing the following details …” is what I do here :
1- description: give a brief description: "will serve to communicate and inform the public about the activities of our Catholic Parish in Ile de France (Conferences, solidarity, timetables, training etc …).
2- owner name: Paroisse Ste Agnès
3 wiki name: stastg
Thank you for your responsive welcome. I am happy to join the xwiki community which seems to me to be of high quality software.
Enjoy !