Newish Wiki small issues. 1/3) localhost:9001 used for links in emails from the wiki

Xwiki installed on Ubuntu 20.04 with MariaDB back end via apt packages from official repo. Works well. Created a mirror Xwiki with scripts to sync it on an other VM. Three small issues with obl-xwiki:

1/3) Links in Xwiki notification emails point to localhost:9001 not obl-xwiki:8080 or full name as preferred. I was at one point pandemic accessing obl-xwiki during configuration using an ssh tunnel via localhost:9001 from home. Not sure where to change this or how it got set.

robert@obl-xwiki:~$ hostname

I assume this is not a farm and a wiki with only one wiki.

Not sure if it works and if this is the proper approach, but you could try to set your hostname in xwiki.cfg


if that name is resolvable internally and externally

By default, the information used to generate external mails in context like emails is in the wiki descriptor (see for how to access the wikis index where you can find the descriptors). The wiki descriptor is generated with whatever is used to access it the very first time.

This is more of a last resort workaround that is generally not supposed to be needed.

Thank you @tmortagne for the insight that this is filled the first time when the wiki is access to run the distribution wizard. Didn’t notice that the main wiki has the same entry in the Wiki Index. Expected this for sub-wiki only. So this would be the “Alias” value then.

Yes. The alias and the port, since both seems to be off in the case described by @normandrobert.

Merci. So don’t add to xwiki.cfg? I looked around the admin page and see no “Alias” and “Port” properties in my Descriptor list.
Is there a way to force the Wizard to run again if that would fix it?

and you don’t really know when the wiki will run the distribution wizard? Might a non-privileged user end up seeing it? I never understood how it will just run without authentication. Cookies?

It ran once because of some problem with a flavour that became incompatible post apt update.

That’s because you are not in the right place. You should take a look at the link I gave you which explains how to access the actual wiki descriptor: from the menu on the right you open to access the admin you also have “Wiki index” and there you have the wikis descriptors listed.

We are talking about the very first run here, so it’s usually something done by someone who just installed XWiki.