No attachments appear in search results

Hi, whenever a search is performed in may wiki, results in attachments are initially not included in search results.

after clicking “reset” in the facets tab, search results in attachments are displayed.

i want to configure xwiki, so that search results in attachments are displayed by default, without modifiying facets.

how can this be achieved?

We do search in attachments by default but the search results are indeed pages (documents) by default, meaning that a page is returned if one of its attachments are matching the search query. You can test this by searching for “logo” which should return the Sandbox page because it has an attachment matching the search query.

If you want to have attachments directly as search results by default then you need to edit the Main.SolrSearchConfig page and modify the facetQuery by replacing:

'type': 'DOCUMENT',



sorry for this noob question.
after 2 hours i gave up to locate Main.SolrSearchConfig on my system.
can you give me a hint where to search?
its a ubuntu i18.04 system