No data migration to apply for wiki

I am currently deploying XWiki application on VM instance on google cloud platform. I need to connect the application to PostgreSQL on google cloud. I have done the required configurational changes for replacing local hsql db with PosgreSQL db. Now when I am trying to run the code the tables are getting migrated to PostgreSQL db, but not the data.

I am working on XWiki 7.4.6 version. Kindly let me know if I am making any configurational errors or what should I change in order to make it work.


Hello @yash,

XWiki 7.4.6 is deprecated since about 6 years.This means that the documentation you can find on is probably not accurate for this version.
We encourage you to upgrade to the current LTS (13.10.6).


Hello @mleduc

Can you kindly suggest some steps or documentation to follow for upgrading to XWiki 13.10.6.


You can find all the information related to upgrading XWiki in our documentation.