No update or extensions available


being a new user of xWiki (installation was rather straightforward) I noticed that checking for updates results in an error and the checking for extenstions (all or recommended) results in nothing at all.

The update check refers to as an issue. Going to this URL with my Chrome browser I get an erro indicating the SSL certificate is expired. Not sure whether this is related to th update issue, but could be.

Any suggestions?

Hi, thanks for raising this. Indeed there’s a certificate issue. I’ve pinged the infra guys about it. AFAIK the certificate should renew itself automatically so not sure what’s not working. We’ll see what they say.


@tmortagne it seems like a bug that no extensions would be listed as a consequence. I think I remember a user asking about this in the past so maybe we have a bug.

Hi @vmassol, regarding the certificate you might want raise 2 issues with the infra team:

I created and fixed Loading.... I doubt someone reported that in the past given the age of 12.10 and the fact that it only affects indexed extensions.

By the way seems to be back on track.

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Hi @vmassol, discovered this morning the issue was partially my fault. Had installed xwki using a non-official site and missed the statement about “enterprise” packages. As a result my initial install was based on version 9.6. This morning I noticed way too many errors in log files and decided in the end to spin-up a fresh VM and instal xwiki right from the beginning, this time using the “official” installation instruction, i.e. not using the enterprise version. Xwiki runs now on 12.10, without any issue (can check for updates and finding extensions).

ok great, thanks for posting back.