Not receiving the validation key for

I’ve tried several times to get access to and, but my account there is not working or not activated. I’m not able to activate my account, because the e-mail with the validation key is neither appearing in my inbox nor in spam. I’ve tried forgotten password, forgotten login and even a new registration, nothing works.
The e-mail I want to use is the same as here in the forum:
Any idea why the system is not sending anything to my e-mail-address?

Hello. Note that and (note the s at the end of the domain name) are visible to everyone. You don’t need to be logged in to view pages there (you need to be logged in to edit pages for example though).

I’ll ask an infra admin to check.


Hi @guihin for info I enabled manually your account, so that you can use it while we’re investigating.

Thank you very much, it’s working now. I really wanted to contribute some snippet and now I’m able to.
Hope you find the reason why the e-mails failed.

Awesome! :slight_smile: