i’ve detected some weird behavior regarding the XWiki notification E-Mails when
using MS Outlook 2016 and a large sized logo.
→ Logo is displayed in full size.
i am using a large picture (app. 5000 x 2000px) as Logo for the XWiki
The logo is included in the notification E-Mail
When the notification is opened/received in Microsoft Outlook 2016 it tries to show the logo picture in original size - which leads to a broken HMTL like here:
→ Tested in Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Outlook 2016 for Mac, Zimbra Webclient
My guess:
I think it is clear that the root of the problem is MS Outlook on Windows. I assume that on macOS Outlook and Apple Mail use WebKit as a rendering engine, but on Windows Outlook is using Word as rendering engine. (Source)
Unfortunately this hasn’t solved the problem in MS Outlook 2016 on Windows
→ But is also has not broken anything (independent of the mail client)
I’ve also tried to search for a solution directly in MS Outlook 2016
→ But activating “Read all standard mail in plain text” (File > Options > Trust Center Settings > Email Security) just screw up the design of the XMail notification E-Mail
Probably i missed something and the solution (using the “if mso” statement) is simple?
Dose anyone maybe has a hint?
I’ve replaced the Logo picture by a smaller one (448 x 201 px instead of 5000 x 4000 px)
and the Notification E-Mail looks better in Outlook 2016 on Windows 10:
So problem definitely seems to come from the rendering engine which is used by Outlook on a Windows 10 device.
Is there any chance someone will check the XWiki.Notifications.MailTemplate and tries to implement an solution for Outlook on Windows?
→ Probably with <!--[if mso]> statements?
→ I will also try to implement this in the Notifications.MailTemplate and inform you if it would work
So i’ve been trying around with the Conditional Comments (<!--[if mso]> statement) and
was able to optimize the presentation of the uploaded XWiki Logo in MS Outlook 2016 (on Windows 10).
Here is the result of an notification E-Mail with my fix approach inside XWiki.Notifications.MailTemplate, it compares the the same message in Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook 2016 (both on Windows 10):