Notifications: StackOverflowError in the drop-down

Howdy, notifications suddenly started showing a StackOverflow error in the drop-down, and throwing errors in Glowroot. Here is the error and a screenshot.

Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 3.21.33 PM

stackoverflow.log.txt (91.7 KB)

Any ideas? Thanks!

it definitely sounds like a bug in the query performed for getting notifications. Could you open an issue on with some information such as the version of XWiki and the full stacktrace if you have access to it (the log txt you attached is apparently truncated, we don’t have the root cause of the error).


Hi @surli, sure I’ll see what I can do. That was the extent of what Glowroot recorded for that stack trace, and given that it is a StackOverflowError, the entire stack may have not been recorded. But I’ll see what I can find.