Nx is changing its conditions for caching build results

Hello all,

nx (the tool we use to handle modules build order and intermediate results caching) is changing its condition for its next major version (v21). We’ll be unable to use the tasksRunnerOptions entry in our config

We have several options:

  • ask for a special offer for OSS project https://nx.dev/pricing/special-offer to have access to their cloud. This would be the easiest option, and would even simplify our CI.
  • see if we can keep doing what we do with nx 21 without the tasksRunnerOptions but this likely means losing the possibility to cache build results which is not a great news
  • find an alternative to nx

For now this message is mostly to announce the incoming breaking change.
I don’t know the planned release date of nx 21, or if a branch of nx 20.x will be maintained.

I’ll keep you updated, but in the meantime I’m interested in everybody’s opinion on the matter. Thanks.