Office Importer issues

I have now been fiddling around xWiki on our local Ubuntu Server 17.10.1 (tried newer versions that didn’t work). The main reason why I chose xWiki was to use it as a knowledgedatabase for our class here at my school.

I have been trying to figure out a way to import word documents into our xWiki server and have spent the majority of yesterday trying to configure the Open Office server that is required for “The Office Importer” to function.
Unfortunately this has been quite the difficult task as I’ve found it hard to find guides that show me the correct way to install this.

I tried to configure the as a Windows-guide(the only guide on xWiki’s youtube page) suggested, and i’ve tried to install Openoffice so that I have a path to point the server to, but alas no succes.

As far as a i can see the only free way to get a .doc importer to work with xWiki is through Open Office Server. Hope someone can help.

#-# [Since 1.9M2]
#-# Type of the openoffice server instance used by officeimporter component.
#-# 0 - Internally managed server instance. (Default)
#-# 1 - Externally managed (local) server instance.

#-# [Since 1.9M2]
#-# Port number used for connecting to the openoffice server instance.
#-# Default port is 8100

#-# [Since 1.9M2]
#-# If the openoffice server should be started / connected upon XE start.
#-# Default value is false

#-# [Since 1.8RC3]
#-# Path to openoffice installation (serverType:0 only).
#-# If no path is provided, a default value will be calculated based on the operating environment.

#Edit: Running xWiki 10.6.1

Hi, you can find documentation here:

Especially under

The only important thing to configure is where XWiki (JODConverter) will find only office or open office. If you don’t configure it, it looks in standard places but those standard places have changed depending on your versions of OO or LO.

Also maybe check Loading... to see if there are issues with the version of OO that you use.

The two first link’s you’ve provided are the documentation I’ve been following to get the officer server up and running. I guess i’m making some mistakes along the way then.

Just to clarify.
1) I have to install OpenOffice on my Ubuntu Server? This is a textbased OS so my concern is that I’m installing GUI Software on a textbased interface.
2) JODConverter is something I have not encountered so far.

I’m a novice Linux user and I’m probably a bit out of my league here :slight_smile:


You don’t need a GUI to install OpenOffice :wink:

That’s normal. It’s a library used by XWiki. You don’t need to worry about this.

Alright great. I think i’m going to snapshot my server back to a clean install and try everything from the start again.
Thank you for the help. Hope you had a good vacation.

FTR in the XWiki docker image the way I install LO is with (see xwiki-docker/template/Dockerfile at master · xwiki/xwiki-docker · GitHub):

apt-get update && apt-get --no-install-recommends -y install libreoffice 

Fixed my issues by doing sudo apt-get jodconverter .

OfficeImporter is now up and running after configering in the etc/xwiki/

I got it working. Here is the pdf of the process I went through, including the issues I ran into, so it should be more of a thought process than the clean version.