Officialize the role of Dependency Manager

Hi Devs,

I’d like to officialize the role of Dependency Manager, in order to add it to , as follows:

Role definition:

  • Ensure that XWiki dependencies are up to date


Current manager:

  • Thomas Mortagne





Does it mean that Thomas is expected to ping Marius and me if he notices we are lagging behind with some dependency upgrades?

Yes, the Dep manager is responsible for ensuring that the deps are updated in a timey manager.

I was actually expecting that there would be 3 dependency managers, each with their well-defined areas (the ones current defined in

I’m fine yelling at @mleduc and @mflorea, but not sure it’s really accurate (by the way elastic search client upgrade is lagging a bit @vmassol :slight_smile: ).

Now you are acting as dependency manager :wink:
Definitely +1 then!

hehe, yes I know, the reason is that it requires coding a proxy.

In the same vein, old upgrade issues created more than a year ago: Loading... :wink:

The role of the Dep Manager is to help push upgrades to ensure we use the latest possible deps. When we can’t for some complex reason (like the move to jakarta or ES or others), this needs to be discussed and is outside the role of the Dep Manager IMO.

So we can rephrase:

  • Ensure that XWiki dependencies are up to date


  • Ensure that XWiki dependencies are up to date, as much as possible
    • There can be valid cases where upgrading takes more time as it requires some complex tasks to be performed. These cases need to be documented and known. The Dependency Manager should ensure that a jira issue with an explanation is created in this case.


I find this to be more complex to handle and to dilute the responsibilities. In any case, there’ll always be the case where we don’t have a specific responsible person for a new domain, and thus we need an overall Dep Manager.

I’m perfectly ok if the Dep Manager delegates some domains to other devs, but he keeps the general responsibility for me.



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+1 from me


Sure, that’s what we mostly do currently (but I guess I should check that it’s really been done for all reported available dependencies, I only checked the pull requests assigned to me recently).

Fine with me.

It’s now documented at
