I’ve setup OpenID-Connect from XWiki to an external provider (Jetbrains Hub) and get a timeout upon trying to login. The user is created properly but in the logs I can see the following error message:
[http-nio-8080-exec-1 - https://XXX/xwiki/oidc/authenticator/callback?code=XXX&state=XXX] WARN o.x.c.o.a.i.OIDCUserManager - Failed to get user avatar from URL []: MalformedURLException: unknown protocol: data
Directly before that in the log I get several messages from the security manager but they don’t seem to be related:
[http-nio-8080-exec-10 - https://XXX/xwiki/bin/view/Main/] INFO .u.i.DefaultURLSecurityManager - Domain of URL [https://XXX/hub/api/rest/oauth2/auth?scope=openid+profile+email+address&claims={}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2FXXX%2Fxwiki%2Foidc%2Fauthenticator%2Fcallback&state=XXX&client_id=XXX] does not belong to the list of trusted domains but it’s considered as trusted since the check has been bypassed.
XWiki-Version: 12.10.10 LTS (XWiki Standard Flavor)
OpenID-Connect-Authenticator: 1.28
Any ideas how to solve this or should I open a bug report?
Kind regards,