I have configured the OpenID authenticator and is configured with a local OpenId provider.
When login I get the following error. The configuration seems fine for us. What could the problem be?
Thanks for your feedback
I have configured the OpenID authenticator and is configured with a local OpenId provider.
When login I get the following error. The configuration seems fine for us. What could the problem be?
Thanks for your feedback
This error suggests the provider you are using returned an invalid JSON but hard to tell more from this error which does not give much detail on what’s exactly wrong with this JSON.
Thanks for the reply.
I re-installed with the docker installation and now I cant get the OpenId login page. Only the native login page is offered.
I have the OpenID Connect Authenticator installed and added the corresponding text to xwiki.properties and xwiki.cfg but I always get the native login page. I also added ?oidc.skipped=false
How can I force xwiki to accept the OpenIf login page?
Are you sure you installed the OpenID Connect extension again ? If should probably take a look at the log and see if you have related warnings/errors.
Yes it was installed. Here is uninstalled it and then installed it again - - [17/Apr/2020:09:44:51 +0000] "POST /bin/get/XWiki/Extensions HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Apr/2020:09:44:51 +0000] "GET /bin/get/XWiki/Extensions?extensionSection=progress&extensionId=org.xwiki.contrib.oidc%3Aoidc-authenticator&extensionVersion=1.19&extensionNamespace=wiki%3Axwiki&xback=%2Fbin%2Fadmin%2FXWiki%2FXWikiPreferences%3Fsection%3DXWiki.Extensions%26search%3Dopenid%26repo%3Drecommended§ion=XWiki.Extensions HTTP/1.1" 200 7957 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:44:52 +0000] "POST /bin/get/XWiki/Extensions HTTP/1.1" 200 673 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:44:59 +0000] "POST /bin/get/XWiki/Extensions HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Apr/2020:09:45:00 +0000] "GET /bin/get/XWiki/Extensions?extensionSection=progress&extensionId=org.xwiki.contrib.oidc%3Aoidc-authenticator&extensionVersion=1.19&extensionNamespace=wiki%3Axwiki&xback=%2Fbin%2Fadmin%2FXWiki%2FXWikiPreferences%3Fsection%3DXWiki.Extensions%26search%3Dopenid%26repo%3Drecommended§ion=XWiki.Extensions HTTP/1.1" 200 11105 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:45:01 +0000] "POST /bin/get/XWiki/Extensions HTTP/1.1" 200 11738 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:45:02 +0000] "POST /bin/get/XWiki/Extensions HTTP/1.1" 200 673 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:33 +0000] "GET /bin/logout/XWiki/XWikiLogout?xredirect=%2Fbin%2Fadmin%2FXWiki%2FXWikiPreferences%3Fsection%3DXWiki.Extensions%26search%3Dopenid%26repo%3Drecommended HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:33 +0000] "GET /bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?section=XWiki.Extensions&search=openid&repo=recommended HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:33 +0000] "GET /bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin?srid=suWNV94p&xredirect=%2Fbin%2Fadmin%2FXWiki%2FXWikiPreferences%3Fsection%3DXWiki.Extensions%26search%3Dopenid%26repo%3Drecommended%26srid%3DsuWNV94p HTTP/1.1" 401 15606 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:33 +0000] "GET /bin/cancel/XWiki/Extensions?ajax=1&action=admin& HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:34 +0000] "GET /bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin?srid=qF9XQ1Zf&xredirect=%2Fbin%2Fcancel%2FXWiki%2FExtensions%3Fajax%3D1%26action%3Dadmin%26%26srid%3DqF9XQ1Zf HTTP/1.1" 401 15478 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:34 +0000] "GET /bin/cancel/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?ajax=1&action=admin& HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:34 +0000] "GET /bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin?srid=pK21SywR&xredirect=%2Fbin%2Fcancel%2FXWiki%2FXWikiPreferences%3Fajax%3D1%26action%3Dadmin%26%26srid%3DpK21SywR HTTP/1.1" 401 15496 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:34 +0000] "GET /bin/get/TourCode/TourJson?xpage=plain&outputSyntax=plain&tourDoc=XWiki.XWikiLogin HTTP/1.1" 200 12 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:38 +0000] "GET /bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin?xredirect=%2Fbin%2Flogin%2FXWiki%2FXWikiLogin%3Fsrid%3DsuWNV94p%26xredirect%3D%252Fbin%252Fadmin%252FXWiki%252FXWikiPreferences%253Fsection%253DXWiki.Extensions%2526search%253Dopenid%2526repo%253Drecommended%2526srid%253DsuWNV94p HTTP/1.1" 401 15800 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:38 +0000] "GET /bin/get/TourCode/TourJson?xpage=plain&outputSyntax=plain&tourDoc=XWiki.XWikiLogin HTTP/1.1" 200 12 - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:47 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [17/Apr/2020:09:46:47 +0000] "GET /bin/view/Main/ HTTP/1.1" 200 39486
The config files in /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF are congured for openid.
The data directory is defined as
There are the config files xwiki.cfg and xwiki.properties there as well. But I dont think these are the ones used by the system , correct? In any case I added the openid donfig there too to check if it would make a difference but it did not.
Now when I go to login the logs shows - - [17/Apr/2020:10:27:37 +0000] "GET /bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin?xredirect=%2Fbin%2Fview%2FMain%2F HTTP/1.1" 401 15176 - - [17/Apr/2020:10:27:37 +0000] "GET /bin/get/TourCode/TourJson?xpage=plain&outputSyntax=plain&tourDoc=XWiki.XWikiLogin HTTP/1.1" 200 12
The problem with the native login I think was due to the docker starting with openid configure in xwiki.cfg and properties but before the extension installation. It works for me when the extension are in permanent storage and the image with tomcat is recreated.
However I still get the error when login into my OID provider. I also have apache running on another port and the Openid login works ok there.
How can I debug this better?
I still have problems with the OpenId Connect Authenticator (as shown in the above 1st post ).
But this is only for the recent versions. My initial test was with 1.20 and then 1.21 and both fail. I tried other versions and found that 1.19 also fails but 1.18 and 1,17 are ok
I see that there are major dependency changes from 1.19
Some of these are older versions of a dependency. Is this normal?
Sounds strange to me too, those are dependencies of the OIDC SDK lib so I have no idea if it’s expected or not. I guess you could try to upgrade “JSON Small and Fast Parser” maybe there is a bug in 1.3.1 that was fixed in 2.3. If that’s the case I could force using the 2.3 one on authenticator side.
In any case since you seems to have found a regression would be great if you could create an issue on Loading... so that we continue discussing this there.