Hi devs,
Following What's New Feature in XS we now need to discuss how it’s going to be operated.
So here’s the proposal:
Creating the content
- xwiki.org committers create blog posts for XS releases + Extension releases for XS
- Move from forum to xwiki.org blog for Extension releases (we already publish blog posts on the blog), and more generally put the News category as readonly + add a message to explain that the news are now on the xwiki.org blog. See Forum vs Blog for news
- Initially at least, Dorina & Adina will set news item in the “What’s new for XWiki” category content after validation (proofreading, content validation, adding images, etc)
- Ping done by Vincent when there’s news to publish
- Committers must not set the “What’s new for XWiki” categories when blog posts are added
- Don’t extract individual items from the Release Notes as separate news for now, as it’s too costly to do systematically.
- As a top sponsoring company, XWiki SAS will also try to provide at least one news item every month. See What's New Feature in XS
- We need content before we release the “What’s New” feature. This is being prepared by Dorina & Adina so that we have 2-3 news items on day 1.
- Since there’s currently a limitation with the XWiki Blog Application, when we write content, we need to make sure we only use absolute URLs (true for images too). Until the issue is fixed.
- This starts effect on the release of XWiki 15.2 RC1 (ie next Monday). We could delay to 15.2 but the sooner the better so that we can have more news on the xwiki.org blog.
News type ideas
In the future, we’ll need to decide what other type of news we make visible for “What’s New in XWiki”. This can be discussed on a case by case basis, and as we progress but this thread can serve as a brainstorming of ideas too.
- I think we should allow anyone from the Community to write/propose some items to be published by sending a forum proposal in the “Dev” category of the forum (tag =
). - Some ideas of news topics (for the 2 default sources - XWiki SAS has its own policy but I feel it’s interesting to let them know what we think could be interesting for the XWiki community as input to them and so that we clearly separate news that we think should be on xwiki.org vs news that should be on xwiki.com):
- (xwiki.org blog) One or 2 paragraph news about some existing feature and a link to its doc on xwiki.org, to let users know about it. A bit like some tips.
- (xwiki.com blog) More business-related use cases of using XWiki that would not fit on xwiki.org
- (xwiki.com blog) All topics related to paid apps from store.xwiki.com
- (xwiki.com blog) News about XWiki SAS being present at some events and invitations to meet
- (xwiki.org blog) News about new articles recently added to xwiki.org
- (xwiki.org blog) News about some community events happening
- (add more here)