Hi i want to install an XWIKI in my company.
But i want to use a schema in an Oracle database and docker image for app XWIKI.
Is it possible?
Thanks for your help,
Thanks for your reply.
I searched documentation but i can’t found it.
Do you have some link?
Hello @Matt,
I think this is the section you are looking for https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/InstallationOracle/#HUsingDocker
I’m interested to know the terms you used when searching the documentation. I found the link above by using “xwiki docker oracle” on a search engine, and by using “oracle docker” on the search bar of xwiki.org.
If you found this documentation, I’m interested to know what was missing for you. Also, feel free to update the documentation I you want, this is all open and collaborative.
Hope that help.
I have already read this article.
I dont want to execute Oracle Database in container.
I search image docker Xwiki for Oracle. I just find Mysql or Pgsql.
We don’t provide any docker images for databases…
We only provide a docker image for tomcat with xwiki deployed in it.
You’ll find all info at xwiki-docker/README.md at master · xwiki/xwiki-docker · GitHub
Thanks all for your help.
I have provisionned a mysql database and Xwiki with docker-compose.