In 12.10, as far as I can tell it seems that you need to have Admin rights in order to be able to set Page access rights; however, the Admin right also lets you administer the wiki itself. Is that right or have a misunderstood something or missed a particular piece of config?
Is there a way to allow all users to set Page Access Rights of any/all pages they have access to without also being a wiki admin?
I’ve now found that if you turn on the advanced editor you can set the page access rights in the dropdown menu from the Edit button so that might achieve what I want.
However, that Access Rights menu doesn’t appear to give you an option for Page vs Page & Children like the one in the Admin section but that might be sufficient for now.
I’ll mark this as solved but if anyone has any advice they’d like to add then please do respond
You may be granted Admin right on a subtree by a wiki admin. Then you will have an admin entry in the “3-dot” menu of any (non-terminal) page, where you will be able to set rights :
either on the page-and-children (which sets permissions at the label of the implicit “space” where the page & its children reside),
or on the page only (which has the same effect as the rights object you found among the advanced edition options on your - likely terminal - page). This will set permissions in objects of the page itself, meaning it can practically be tuned by anyone having Edit right on that page.
Thanks @jeffix, that’s good to know. I’d gone though the Access Rights page but it didn’t quite click in my mind to set Admin rights on page and children higher up in the tree but not on the wiki itself. However, that doesn’t still quite meet my needs as I’d generally like all users to be able to create, edit, set permissions on pages and not need Admin intervention. What I’ve since found that if users have Delete permissions they can also manage page rights without having admin rights.
In a corporate environment, I found the need to have “branches” where rights (and look& feel) management could be delegated.
But if we were to let everyone close anything, content sharing would be at risk:
from a usage point of view, of users reproducing their bad old habits to settle a silo first and then put knowledge inside,
from an admin point of view, of getting a mess in the wiki structure.
So we chose to:
let, by default, normal pages be created at the highest level with edit rights only (and then possible subpages with the same permissions);
provide a template for creating branches at the highest level, for insider communities-like uses, in which template we can define a default set of rights including subtree-not-wiki admin for a default group (which in your case could be XWikiAll as well).